Flott vernissage på Bela Biennalen i Rio de Janeiro, på Museu Historico Nacional 8 januar 2015 / Great opening reception at Museu Historico Nacional, January 8th 2015
Et høydepunkt å være intervjuet av TV Brasil / great to be interviewed by TV Brazil, og hyggelig sammenkomst med kuratorer og kunstnere/ Nice gathering with curators and artists
3-7 Desember 2014 Miami Art Week, med over 20 Art Fairs i Midtown Miami og på Miami Beach. Jeg deltar også iår med maleri og et slidesshow, på Spectrum Miami, i Wynwood Arts District. Spectrum Miami er juryert, og jeg representeres av Contemporary Art Network (booth #613). I fjor deltok jeg på Red Dot Art Fair, også i Midtown. Kunst fra hele verden, design og sommer..
December 3-7 2014 Miami Art Week, with over 20 Art Fairs in Midtown Miami and Miami Beach. I participate also this year with painting and a slideshow at Spectrum Miami, Wynwood Arts District. Spectrum Miami is juried and I am represented by Contemporary Art Network (booth # 613). Last year I participated at Red Dot Art Fair, also in Midtown. Art from around the world, design and summer ..
Work in progess with public art and exhibition at Munch's studio at Ekely, Oslo, October 2014.
Removing the sketch behind the almost 10 meters long painting on acrylic glass, I discovered how the painting I have been working with really looked like. I painted with iridescent and transparent media wich interact with daylight and integrated LED-light, which will be mounted at Nøtterøy, where I will work with programming a wide range of lighting scenarios, as part of my public art commission “Landscape from Finnmark” for Kirkenes Snowhotel. The work will overlap the mountain seen through the large window and interact continously with the changing night- and daylight in all seasons.
During the working period I was happy to receive many visitors, among others Elisabeth Munch-Ellingsen, Munch`s relative and heir.
"Artist Talk" at Edvard Munch`s Studio, EKELY, OSLO, NORWAY, October 26, 2014
Sunday October 26 at 3 pm, "Artist Talk" at Edvard Munchs`s Studio, with visual artist Calina Pandele Yttredal and art historian Anne Kristine Sollund. Among the topics: Yttredal`s use of trees, nature and windows in her paintings and lighting installations. Windows can be seen as openings to the world, and trees may be associate to nature`s cycle. Yttredal`s 10 m long public art commission on acrylic glass will be mounted directly on a glass façade in Northern Norway. The painting will communicate with the nature and interact with the changeable light depending on the time of the day, weather and seasons. What is reality? What is illusion?Arthistorical references are sometimes present in the artist's subconscious, - or is it maybe just so that art historians find things which are not there? We are also looking for the symbolism of nature in Edvard Munchs art.
Nice visit at the studio, - Munch'srelative Elisabeth Munch-Ellingsen. Her signature in my guestbook resembles Munch`s - wow !Much work, - great to have a rest in Munch`s chaiselongue..The sketch I drew as a basis for painting, attached behind the glass, will be removed, so that the glass will be completely transparent when mounted directly on the window. The painted landscape will interact with the northern nature and light. The glass sheet is also illuminated from below with LED light which I will programme in a wide range of changing scenarios; the figures will "live" and glow, some of them which are engraved (not painted) will be visible only under certain lighting conditions , depending on the time of the day, weather and seasons. The glass sheet is cut at the top as the outline of the mountain we see outide the window in Finnmark.
VERNISSAGE AT MUNCH`S STUDIO, Ekely, oslo, 11.10.2014
Successful opening reception with many visitors at Edvard Munch's studio on October 11. Art historian and representant of the Foundation Edvard Munch's studio Julie Knoff Smith gave a wonderful speech.
October 1st 2014 I move into Edvard Munch's large studio at Ekely, where a month ahead I will work with a public art commissioned by Radius Kirkenes, about 10 m long painting on glass in a technique which I developed, with iridescent and transparent media on acrylic glass, which interact with light. Special atmosphere to work at Munch´s studio, which is located a few minutes away from where i live. Here I findthe right state of mind, like a timelessdialogue.
As sitting on Munch`s chaiselongue in the emptystudio, the glassplates arrived, 40 kg each. We had to wear gloves to protect the surface. I checked that they were shaed after the outline ogf the mountain in Northern Norway, just after my sketches. Scaffolding had to be made to keep the glass plates upright and stable, so I could paint on them.
I will also show other works during this period. Opening reception Saturday October 11 at 1 pm.
The Lighting Sculpture "Wind - Eye" was inaugurated Thursday, august 28 at 4pm
Thursday, August 28, at 4pm, Calina Pandele Yttredal`s lighting sculpture "Wind - Eye" was unveiled on Loshaugen, Tranøy/ Northern Norway. The work is commissioned by Art Park Tranøy on the occasion of the jubilee "Tranøy Lighthouse, 150 years." The opening ceremony of the anniversary has been undertaken by the County Governor of Nordland, Hill - Marta Solberg. The lighting sculpture was introduced by the chairman of the Art Park Tranøy, Fred - Eddy Dahlberg, regional Director for the Coastal Administration, Fridtjof Wangsvik, and the artist.Det var strålende sol og mange mennesker samlet / We had lovely weather and many people had come to witness the unveiling.Den flotte plasseringen på Loshaugen, et utsiktspunkt på Tranøy, gir et fantastisk bakteppe med fjord og fjell for lysskulpturen. Den spiller sammen med dagslyset og landskapet rundt, og kan sees fra kilometers avstand / The great location on Loshaugen, viewpoint onTranøy, provides a stunning background of mountains and fjords for the lighting sculpture. It interacts with the daylight and the surrounding landscape and can be seen from miles away.Jeg har tilbrakt atskillige timer på Loshaugen både tidlig og sent for å studere lysvirkninger. lyset som strømmer gjennom glasskulen spiller sammen med dagslyset og lysskulpturen fremstår forskjellig tidlig på morgen før soloppgang, ved soloppgang, midt på dagen, i skumringslyset, om natten. Også i forskjellige årstider og værtyper. Den lever og forandrer seg i takt med naturen / I have spent much time studying the effects of light at Loshaugen. The LED light which is streaming through the glass ball interacts with the daylight and the lighting sculpture appears different early morning before sunrise, at sunrise, at noon, in the twilight, at night. Also in different seasons and weather conditions. It lives and changes with the nature.29 august, før soloppgang kl. 4.30 / August 29, before sunrise, at 4.30 amSå kommer solen opp! / So the sun comes up!Det er morgendugg på kuppelen over glasskulen, både naturen og lysskulpturen gløder / It is morning dew on the hemisphere over the glass ball, both nature and lighting sculpture are glowing.Landskapet rundt blir reflektert i glasskulen. Friser skåret i metall forteller om losens historie, urbefolkningen, fyrets historie / The landscape around is reflected in the glass ball. Friezes carved in metal tell of the maritime pilots`history, indigenous people, the lighthouses`history.Det samlet seg mange folk på Loshaugen hver kveld og betraktet lysskiftningene. Flere sa at de opplevde en slik meditativ virkning og ville komme stadig tilbake / Many people gathered every night at Loshaugen to watch how the lighting sculpture changed with different lights. Several said they experienced such a meditative effect and would come back and spend some time there.På selve avdukingsdagen kunne vi oppleve nordlyset som pulserte i takt med verket! ingen før hadde sett nordlys så tidlig som i august, så dette ble oppfattet nærmest som en gudommelig hilsen , - og en fin avslutning på avdukingsdagen / On the aniversary day in the evening we could see the northern lights pulse to the beat of the work! No one had seen the northern lights as early as in August, so this was regarded almost as a divine greeting, - and a beautiful ending to the ceremony.FEIRINGEN AV JUBILEET "TRANØY FYR I 150 ÅR" 28 OG 29 AUGUST 2014 BØD PÅ ET RIKT PROGRAM, MED MUSIKK, DIKT, FORTELLINGER, KUNST-TURER I LANDSKAPET FOR Å OPPLEVE SKULPTURPARKEN PÅ TRANØY, OG MYE GOD LOKAL MAT. ALT SAMMEN I ET STRÅLENDE VÆR! / THE CELEBRATION OF THE JUBILEE "TRANØY LIGHTHOUSE 150 YEARS" OFFERED A RICH PROGRAM OF MUSIC, POETRY, STORIES, ART TOUR IN THE LANDSCAPE TO EXPERIENCE THE SCULPTURE PARK, AND MUCH GOOD LOCAL FOOD. AND ALL TOGETHER IN A BRILLIANT WEATHER!Fred-Eddy Dahlberg, formann Kunstpark Tranøy og Calina Pandele Yttredal/ Fred-Eddy Dahlberg, chairman of the Art Park Tranøy and Calina Pandele YttredalFred-Eddy Dahlberg, formann i Kunstpark Tranøy, kultursjef Hamarøy kommune Hilde Fredheim og Calina Pandele Yttredal / Fred - Eddy Dahlberg, chairman of the Art Park Tranøy, cultural director Hamarøy Municipality Hilde Fredheim, and Calina Pandele YttredalCalina i samtale med ordfører for Hamarøy kommune Rolf Steffensen og rådmann Odvar Nordnes / Calina in conversation with the mayor of the municipality of Hamarøy Rolf Steffensen and councilman Odvar Nordnes.Calina i samtale med regiondirektør i Kystverket, Fridtjof Wangsvik / Calina in conversation with regional director for the Coastal Administration Fridtjof Wangsvik.Calina med fylkesmannen i Nordland Hill - Marta Solberg og regiondirektør i Kystverket, Fridtjof Wangsvik / Calina with the County Guvernor of Nordland, Hill-Marta Solberg and regional director for the Coastal Administration, Fridtjof WangsvikFantastisk utstikt fra toppen av Tranøy Fyr, 360 grader over Hamarøy / Gorgeous view over Hamarøy from the top of Tranøy Lighthouse, 360 degreesTakk til arkitekt Ragnar Sæbø som har vært en del av teamet i prosjektet og filmet under jubileet/ Thanks to architect Ragnar Sæbø who has been a part of the team and filmed the inaugurationNydelig fiskesuppe servert på Tranøy Fyr som drives av Inger og Villy / Lovely fishsoup served at Tranøy Lighthouse. Calina with the County Guvernor of Nordland, Hill-Marta SolbergAlle nyter den gode fiskesuppen. Rundt bordet til venstre: Kirsti Slotsvik, kystdirektør, Rolf Steffensen ordfører Hamarøy kommune, Helga Wiik, forhenværende kultursjef Hamarøy kommune. Til høyre bakerst: regiondirektør Kystverket Fridtjof Wangsvik, nåværende kultursjef Hilde Fredheim, billedkunstner Calina Pandele Yttredal, fylkesmannen i Nordland, Hill-Marta Solberg/ Everybody is enjoying the fish soup! Around the table, at left: Kirsti Slotsvik, director general for the Norwegian Coastal Administration, Rolf Steffensen, the mayor of the municipality of Hamarøy, Helga Wiik, former cultural director of municipality of Hamarøy. At right from behind: Fridtjof Wangsvik, regional director of the Norwegian Coastal Administration, cultural director of municipality of Hamarøy, Hilde Fredheim, visual artist Calina Pandele Yttredal, county gouvernor of Nordland, Hill - Marta Solberg
lighting sculpture "Wind - Eye"
Idag 27 juni skulle lysskulpturen "Wind - Eye" settes sammen hos firmaet Kreativ Plast, på Nøtterøy, så vi var spent på hvordan alt kom til å falle på plass. Glasskulen produsert på Hadeland Glassverk tålte fint reisen fra Oslo. Her får jeg hjelp av Rolf Sørum til å ta den 22kg tunge glasskulen ut av den mørkeblå fløyelsposen.On June 27the lighting sculpture"Wind - Eye" is assembled at the company Kreativ Plast. Here we pack out the 22 kg and 26 cm diameter solid glass ball,produced atHadeland glass factory, after it had to stay about two months in the cooling furnace.Så er glasskulen på plass, med en klar glasskuppel over, som et øye.The glass ball is on its place, witha clearglassdome over, like an eye.Projeksjon fra den gjennomlyste glasskulen når opp til pyramiden, her ser vi en variant med kjølig hvitt lys.Projectionofthelight through theglass ballreaches the translucent pyramid, here we seea variationwith coolwhite light.Videre følger lystester på tre av fire friser frest ut i metall etter mine tegninger med ulike temaer, plassert som et belte rund konstruksjonen.Tests with LED light on three of the four friezes milled out in metal after my drawings with different themes, mounted like a belt around the construction.Urbefolkning / Natives.Fyrtårn / Lighthouse.Dyreliv og Natur / Wildlife and Nature.Nesten hele konstruksjonen er satt sammen, her med lystester gjennom glasskulen i to ulike varianter. / Almostallconstruction isassembled,here with tests with LED light through the glassball,intwo differentvarieties.Det er fortsatt elementer som skal på plass og i neste uke skal jeg begynne å programmere ulike lysscenarioer. Lysvirkningene blir svært ulike avhengig av tid på døgnet, vær, årstid. Derfor studerer jeg nøye hver fargenyanse som skal programmeres. / There are stillelements to be put into place, next weekI'llstartto programdifferentlighting scenarios. They will appear verydifferentdepending on the timeof day, weather, season. Therefore it is important to studycarefullyeach hue to be programmed.
Lysskulptur / Lighting Sculpture Wind - Eye underveis / in progress
Betongfundamentet støpes nå på Loshaugen, Tranøy, skog og kratt ryddes, og 2,5 m høy tremodell av lysskulpturen testes i landskapet. Lysskulpturen er bestilt av Kunstpark Tranøy og skal avdukes 28 august 2014 i anledning Tranøy Fyr 150 års jubileum. / The concrete base is casted at Løshaugen, Tranøy, forest and scrub is cleared, and 2,5 m high wooden model of lighting sculpture is tested in the landscape. The lighting sculpture is commissioned by Art Park Tranøy and will be unveiled August 28, 2014 on the occasion of Tranøy Lighthouse`s 150th anniversary.Den 22 kg kompakte glasskulen som er en del av lysskulpturen er nettopp tatt ut av nedkjølingsovnen etter ca 2 måneder../ The 22 kgsolidglass ball, partof thelighting sculpture,has just been takenout of thecoolingfurnaceafterabout 2 months..Et stolt team puster lettet ut! / A proud team is relieved !Den funklende glasskulen behandles med størst forsiktighet. / The new and sparkling glass ball is treated with great care.Etter at glasskulen ble glattet ut på undersiden og navnet mitt ble gravert inn, hentet jeg glasskulen fra Hadeland Glassverk idag 19 juni, det var et stort øyeblikk! Videre skal den til Nøtterøy hvor den blir satt sammen med resten av metallkonstruksjonen hos Kreativ Plast . Jeg kommer til å programmere lysscenarioer som skal gjennomlyse glasskulen og sende projeksjoner på den halvtransparente pyramiden på toppen. / After the glass ball was smoothed out and my name engraved, I transported it from Hadeland glass factory to my studio in Oslo, a great moment! In some days it will be transported to another town to be assembled with the rest of the construction. Then I'm going to test the LED light through the glass ball and the projections on the translucent pyramid on top.Her er modell lysskulptur uten pyramide på toppen./ Herethe model of the lighting sculpture withoutpyramid.
"Landskap fra Finnmark" / "Landscape from Finnmark "utsmykning / public decoration Radius Kirkenes
Under arbeid. Maleriets neste fase skal gjennomføres på Edvard Munchs atelier på Ekely, oktober 2014. / In progress. The work`s next phase will be completed in Edvard Munch's studio at Ekely, October 2014.Oppdragsgiver Radius Kirkenes / Snowhotell Utsmykning Låven.Utsmykningen “Landskap fra Finnmark” i låvens Sandnes første etasje.Dimensjoner / Size : Lengde / Length: 10m Høyde / Height: 1,40 mTeknikk / Technique : iriserende/iridescent, interfererende/interferent, transparente/ transparent medier /media på en spesiell type pleksiglass som "knuser lyset", / on a type plexiglass that spreads light in a special way, LED lys/ LED light.I låvens annen etasje er det planlagt utsmykningen "Nordlys". / At the second floor of the barn is planned the public decoration "Northern Lights"Kunstutrykk og tematikk for utsmykningen er inspirert fra Finnmarks lys, natur og dyreliv. Det er tenkt som et landskap hvor vi kjenner igjen horisonten med de store viddene, og blant annet dunkratt, ryper, dyrespor og reinsdyrsflokker. Figurene er fremstilt stilisert men satt sammen i en komposisjon slik at vi får følelsen av det hele spenner seg i flere plan. Opplevelsen av dybde skapes også gjennom bruk av den spesielle teknikken med iriserende, interfererende og transparente medier som figurene er malt med, som i samspill med lyset i omgivelsene (både dagslys og dynamisk LED lys) vil stadig kunne skifte til uttallige nyanser. Noen av figurene blir frest i pleksiglasset, og fremstår grafiske og glødende./ The work is inspired from Finnmark`s light, nature and wildlife. It is conceived as a landscape in which we recognize the horizon with the great plains, the specific vegetation of the place, birds like grouses, animal tracks and reindeer herds. The perception of depth is also created through the use of the special technique of iridescent, interferent and transparent media, which interacts with surrounding light (both daylight and dynamic LED light) creating a wide range of shades. Some of the figures are milled out in plexiglas, sometimes they are not to be seen, other times they are glowing.Planlagt ferdigstilt november 2014. / Scheduled for completion in November 2014.
My works exhibited during World Cup 2014 in Brazil
"Gravity" 120 x 120 cm mixed media on canvas
Groupshow “Nordic Countries and Football”
Organized by AVA Galleria, Helsinki, Finland.
On the occasion of Worldcup FIFA, Brazil 2014
jogo das artes
CENTRO CULTURAL LIGHTAv. Marechal Floriano, 168 - Centro - Rio de Janeiro5.6 - 11.7.2014Opening night party Thursday June 5th/6pmCENTRO MUNICIPAL DE ARTES CALOUSTE GULBENKIAN 10.6 - 14.7.2014Rua Benedito Hipólito, 125 - Praça XI - Rio de JaneiroOpening night party Tuesday June 10th/6pmCURATOR: EDSON CARDOSO Rio de Janeiro is hosting an exhibition with artists from Brazil and the Nordic Countries. AVA Galleria, based in Helsinki/Finland, and ICNBF (Insituto Cultural Nórdico Brasil Finlândia) present the exhibition Jogo das Artes, which aims to show the public a series of works made by artists from the Nordic Countries and Brazil, inspired by the football atmosphere, in line with the FIFA World Cup 2014. Holding this event during this special time in Brazil, is a great opportunity to better promote the intercultural dialogue, as well as the dialogue between art and football.This edition of FIFA World Cup is held without the participation of the four Nordic countries national teams, but these countries are represented by their artists and included in the World Cup context through this event. The exhibition also aims at complementing the World Cup`s experience in Brazil, attracting not only those who love football, but also attracting art lovers and general public who are interested in topics such as multiculturalism and the exchange of experiences among people.Participating artist: FinlandKaj Stenvall, Jari Järnström, Maaria Märkälä, Siiri PohjolainenNorwayCalina Pandele Yttredal, Ole Jakob IhlebækSwedenBo Alström, Lena Solberg, Monika Kiviniemi, Anette GustafssonDenmarkBjørn Eriksen, Martin Berge, Pernille Stougaard, Ole SkovsmoseBrazil:Cesar Coelho Gomes, Daniel Azulay, Gaia Roberto Tavares, Teresa Asmar, Newton Lesme, Marilou Winograd, Lucia Avancini, J Bosco Renaud, Fabrice Bonmartin, Augusto Herkenhoff, Katharina Welper